Campus Recreation Advisory Board
Graduate Student Association Representative
The Campus Recreation Advisory Board (CRAB) is a group of non-elected student, faculty and staff members that provide input on the policies, procedures, activities and offerings of the UNC Campus Recreation Center. The GSA representative is responsible for soliciting student-fee-paying graduate students' input on the Campus Recreation Center and presenting their needs to the CRAB.
Issues that the GSA representative will bring up at future CRAB meetings in 2022-2023:
- Free admission to the Rec Center for graduate students' partners and/or children
- No fees for Outdoor Pursuits trips or Group Fitness membership
- Lowered fees for graduate student intramural sports participation
- Suggestions for Gear Shop and Rec Center equipment purchases
Graduate students interested in future openings for this position should send an email to
2022-2023 GSA Campus Recreation Advisory Board Representative:
Alicia Romano
Sport and Exercise Science: Sport Administration, Ph.D. student
GSA CRAB representative since fall 2021
If you are a graduate student with questions, concerns or suggestions for the Campus Recreation Center, please contact Alicia Romano.